May brought warm weather, an end to the insanity of Shanna's school schedule, and a much needed vacation. We met up with Dave's family in Orlando and took Eva to Disney World for the first time. What a highlight that trip was. Eva was awestruck, overwhelmed, and completely blissed out the whole time. At the end of the trip she charmed a long line of waiting people by dancing with Pluto. It was magical. We came home to find out that Eva would no longer be the only little Franceschini running around and the rest of the summer spun by in a blur of pregnancy sickness. Oh the joy.

In November Dave and Shanna went on a little get-away to NY and left Eva with Grammy and Pop Pop. It was lovely. Then we all went to Indiana for Thanksgiving to meet our new nephew Ethan. What a perfectly handsome little guy he is! I'm so jealous that he started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. Not fair. While we were there Eva got to meet Santa for the first time and asked him for a big Sleeping Beauty doll.
My favorite thing this year has been watching Eva's little personality come out. She is so kindhearted and social. A perfect example, today we had her preschool Christmas party and when it was time to get food she was first in line and grabbed the biggest frosting covered cookie. I was a little embarassed that my kid was "that greedy kid," but then she turned to me and insisted that I let her get out of line because she had to take the cookie to her friend's little sister who apparently couldn't fend for herself. She went to the table where the little girl was sitting, gently put the cookie in her hand and said, "here you go Brecken, this is for you," then kissed her nose. Then she went to the end of the line and wasn't upset that the cookies were all gone by the time she got there. What a precious girl. There is nothing she likes more than playing with her friends. Her perfect world would be one big never-ending play date. She wouldn't care what they were playing as long as everyone was there having a good time.

As we wrap up 2009, we are so thankful for the little family God has blessed us with and crazy excited to welcome baby Mia into the mix. In the Franceschini household life is usually some kind of barely organized chaos but we've learned to embrace this marvelous mayhem and can't wait to see what the next year holds. Merry Christmas and may you be doubly blessed in 2010. Don't forget to check out the slideshow of our favorite memories from 2009. There are some hilarious pics!
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