Ok, so we are totally stumped with what to do about Mia's middle name. Her arrival is fast approaching and we just can't decide. I've put a poll on this blog in an attempt to solicit some help but maybe I should give some background about the options.
Mia's big sister's name is Eva Jadyn. Eva means "giver of life," and Jadyn means "God has heard." She was a miracle pregnancy when the Dr's said I couldn't get pregnant. Isn't that cool. We were greiving a lost pregnancy and the Lord heard the cry of my heart and answered with Eva, so her name has significant meaning. We chose Mia because in the Italian language it literally translates "mine." An expanded meaning when derived from Miriam means, "a wanted child." I cried when I read that because I sort of resented the disruption of this suprise pregnancy at first. I was sick, and grouchy about having to put off my plans, and praying that the Lord would help me see past the inconvenient interruption. He put the name Mia on my heart and that was it. He shifted my perspective and suddenly she was a very wanted child. She was MY little Mia and I am truly more excited about having her than anything else I could pursue.
So now on to the middle name. As you can see we are into the meaning of names but we also want the two names to have an equality to them. Eva is a sophisticated, Italian, classic name . . . as is Mia. Jadyn is a more contemporary name so we were thinking that we should stick to something that is more "now" than another classic . . . but some of the classic names are just so gosh darn pretty and have awesome meanings.
Mia Joselynn: Joselynn is a combination of family names. David's mom's middle name was Jo, named after her dad Joseph. My mom's name is Sherilynn and my sister's middle name is Lynn. So we took the Jose from Joseph on David's side, and the Lynn from my side, and made Joselynn. But it is from English origins and means "little Goth." Hmmm. Not so great.
Mia Isabella: Isabella came from David calling her Mia Bella which literally translates, "My beautiful." Isabella is a more classic name though. From Italian origins it means "God is my Oath," and from Hebrew origins it means, "Devoted to God." I love the meanings and I love that David has taken to calling her Mia Bella, I think this one is at the top of the list right now.
Mia Grace: I just loved the flow of these two names together but David doesn't like it because that is our beloved dog's name. Grace means "Grace of God." I feel like God had patience with me and the Grace to completely transform my attitude about this pregnancy so I have a bit of a soft spot for this name but David's right, our dog Gracie Lou will still be around for a while and I would hate for Mia to think she was named after the dog. Even if we tell her she wasn't.
Mia Gianna: Doesn't that just ooze Italian . . . Mia Gianna Franceschini. Some sites say it is of Italian origins meaning "God is Gracious" and others say it is Hebrew meaning "God's Grace." Either way, it is a way to get the fact that I love the meaning of Grace without involving the dog. This one is my mom's fav.
Mia Peyton: Well as die hard Colts fans, Peyton has been on the list since our first discussion about baby names. Some sites say it is of English origins meaning "from Pacca or Paega's town," others say it is latin meaning Noble, another says it means warrior or "from the fighter's farm." Hmmm.
Mia Riley: Both Mia Riley and Mia Addison were attempts at finding other more contemporary options that we thought were cute. All of the sites said Riley comes from Irish, English, or Gaelic origins and means either "Valiant," or "Rye," or "a descendant of Roghallach."
Mia Addison: Addison is of English origins and means "child of Adam." I really don't have any connection to this one at all except that I think it's cute.
Alright . . . cast your vote. Did one of these names tug at your heart strings, maybe you loved the meaning, maybe you just like how it sounds, let us know. I expect lots of comments to this post!